About us

If you're insterested in knowing how it all started, the journey we have been on, and more information about us as a company, you have come to the right place.


The idea

I, Rasmus, have always been interested in computers, primarily programming. My idea about Minecraft servers, is to provide people with a gameserver which they can customize with their knowledge of Java, and now a days, also Skript. I really like that idea, and would like to spread it, and help people get started with their gameserver.

Making it real

Going from an idea to making it actually happen takes quite some effort. I put alot of work into it, and got alot of help from a really nice guy. I know him best as Linuxguru, and without him, this wouldn't have been possible. Huge thanks to him, and for all the help he gave me on the way making this host.

Keeping it going

It's fairly easy to keep it going, we enjoy doing what we do. All of us like to help our customers, and see them get happy when a problem gets fixed, no matter if it's a simple or complicated one. We put alot of time into helping our customers, and improving our services. We find it fun, and it makes us feel good to help others.

News and Information

New website design!

Yes, you might have noticed it. We have gotten a new design for our website! A lot of time have been put into it, and we have also received some help to make it look this awesome. The banner was made by MikkiVL, he makes some nice graphics.
The site itself, not the images, were developed by Rasmus, the owner of FluppyHost.
Along with the new website, we have recently gotten a new and better Firewall, and SSL Certificates for our entire website to encrypt all connections, to improve our over all security.

We have also opened up for our danish site now, https://fluppyhost.dk, which will be with danish text. The panel will still be in english so it's globally understandable as it is now, and support will remain being both danish and english.

Interested in a sponsorship?

Are you interested in a sponsorship? We are! Wether you are a youtuber, livestreamer, or just an ordinary person with big dreams, we always look for people who we believe we can help achieve something bigger. If you wish to send us a request to get sponsored, check the following section, and check the information we would like from you!
Even if you dont fit with our requirements, send us an email and add why we should choose you, when the requirements are higher than what you have. Sometimes special deals are made.
NOTE: The "Twitch" section is for all livestreaming, no matter which site it is on.

General requirements


    • Subscribers: 300

    • Average views per video: 100

    • Time since start on Youtube: 3 months

    • How often to upload: At least once a week

    • Channel content: Primarily Minecraft


    • Followers: 700

    • Average viewers: 20

    • Time since start on Twitch: 2 months

    • How often to livestream: At least 3 days a week

    • Channel content: Primarily Minecraft

    Ordinary person

    • Minecraft Server Experience: Nerd Level

    • Creativity level: Medium

    • Ability to finish projects: Very High

    • Amount of luck: Insane

No matter which section you belong to, we would appreciate an explanation of why we should sponsor you, how large a server you would prefer, and other information you believe can be useful for us. The more detailed and informed we are, the easier it is to make the right choice for us.
Contact us at support@fluppyhost.com with the subject beginning with "Sponsorship", and we will respond as fast as possible!